ONku Privilege - Baixar APK para Android | Aptoide
sourcedate 2024-05-05source admin点击 159

Descrição do ONku Privilege
PT. ONKU GRUP INDONESIA adalah perusahaan yang menyediakan fasilitas Privileges dan Diskon di seluruh Indonesia seperti :
Nonton Gratis, Makan Gratis, Vouchers, Birthday, Hotel Reservasi dan Diskon-Diskon di jaringan merchant ONku seperti restoran, cafe, tempat rekreasi, salon, bengkel, lembaga pendidikan dan masih banyak lainnya serta suatu nilai tambah bagi suatu perusahaan, yaitu berupa fasilitas istimewa yang disebut kartu Promosi & Diskon yang terbesar yang bisa di akses melalui Mobile Apps.
Informasi bergabung :
PT. ONKU GROUP INDONESIA is a company that provides Privileges and Discount facilities throughout Indonesia such as:
Free watching, free meals, vouchers, birthday, hotel reservations and discounts in ONku merchant network such as restaurants, cafes, recreation areas, salons, workshops, educational institutions and many others as well as an added value for a company, namely in the form of special facilities which is called the largest Promotion & Discount card that can be accessed through Mobile Apps.
Information about joining: