sourcedate 2024-05-19source admin点击 48
Keep track of all documents and receipts
Keep track of all documents and receipts and finally say goodbye to paperwork: With dokublick, all your invoices, contracts, receipts and letters are well organized in one place. Always available and completely secure. This saves time and frustration.
Very convenient: many paths lead to dokublick
Simply store your invoices, contracts, receipts and letters in dokublick. You can send the documents and receipts to your dokublick mailbox by drag and drop, by photo scanning, by upload or by email.
Order is half the battle
Your documents are automatically categorized and stored in predefined folders. Additionally, you can create individual folders and subfolders for your own organizational system as you wish.
Recovery made easy
With full-text search, you can find any document quickly and reliably. And if the number of your documents increases, intelligent search functions will help you find everything quickly and in a targeted way.
No more forgotten bills
dokublick analyzes incoming invoices so you can pay them quickly and easily with Finanzblick. And you can save reminder fees for forgotten payments in the future.
Collect your tax receipts
Documents that are important for your tax return are collected for the tax return with WISO Steuer. You can transfer content with just a few clicks and avoid typing.
Everything is always at hand
With dokublick you have access to your documents anytime, anywhere - from your smartphone, tablet or browser on your laptop, Mac or PC. So you always have everything with you.
Protects your documents
All your documents and receipts are securely stored in our data center in Neunkirchen. State-of-the-art encryption technology ensures your sensitive data will never appear in plain text.
Room for more
Want to manage even more documents or need more storage space? dokublick grows with you! With a paid upgrade, you can easily adjust the number of available documents or storage space of your free app according to your needs. Get the update at
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